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Paidwork Icon

Primary icon of the Paidwork company used on various Paidwork-related domains and in mobile applications.

Paidwork Logo

A recognizable company name. It is most often used in conjunction with an icon and can be found on various documents.



Primary color of Paidwork logo and icon.
Hex: #253858
RGB: rgb(37, 56, 88)

Steady blue

The most commonly used color for action, information, and notification buttons or alerts.
Hex: #3171fe
RGB: rgb(49, 113, 254)

Contrast blue

Used in illustrations, backgrounds, graphics, icons. It comes together with green or cyan color.
Hex: #0051ca
RGB: rgb(0, 81, 202)

Steady green

Used in buttons related to earning money, withdrawing funds, payment methods or alerts.
Hex: #00B33C
RGB: rgb(0, 179, 60)

Contrast green

The color that appears on illustrations on the home page and other pages. Often used with blue and cyan.
Hex: #00FF00
RGB: rgb(0, 255, 0)

Accent cyan

It comes in combination with blue and green in most illustrations on Paidwork.
Hex: #00ECFF
RGB: rgb(0, 236, 255)